Monday, January 4, 2016


Over the long break, my husband said to me, "What happened to your blog?" I'll admit, I wasn't posting because I felt like I fell off the wagon and tumbled downhill. I promised myself I wasn't going to do this but alas, my mom makes the best dressing ever, my sister makes the best chocolate fudge ever, and my "Friendsmas" was filled with Larosas pizza, sausage wontons, hot wings, and white castles-just to name a few. Wine was consumed at an alarming rate. I did try to maintain my workouts and running throughout this break, but I still felt like I didn't do as much as I could have. Although discouraged, I was thankful for the time spent with out of town friends and family. I had friends in town from Los Angeles, Connecticut, Chicago, and New York so I do not regret the time I got to share with these people.

On Christmas Eve I did a waffle run from Bob Roncker's running spot. Sign up for their emails and you can get information about these free runs. It was the first time I ever ran 4 miles and I felt great about myself after I recovered. I had an 11:54 pace. There were several hills which made it more difficult than most runs I've had thus far.
After the run...I couldn't even eat a waffle because I didn't feel too hot! haha
I did promise I would talk about bras a long time ago, so here's my best friend when I run:

And guys, I look just like her when I wear it! It's labeled as "maximum support" on the Victoria's Secret website. While, it is a bit pricey, it has lasted me a long time and really does create great support when I am running. My friends have suggested Athleta brands, and Avia and Champion brands. Really it's about the support for me, which is why I chose this bra in particular. Jump around in the dressing room just to make sure.
Here's a link to the Bra.

I'm making a promise not to fall off the wagon again for you guys and for myself. I'm starting a wellness club at my  job. I went to bootcamp today and my running group starts on Wednesday. I am scared TO DEATH. I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions. I believe in short term goals, so try and give yourself a goal to complete by the end of January. Then you can try for a new goal in February. In my opinion, these goals work better.

This week I will do another food post and a post about how my running group goes. Happy 2016 everyone! 

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