Saturday, January 9, 2016

Why I Need My Running Group

This morning my alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. Three words came into my mind "what the ****?" (Edited for blog appropriateness and in case my mom reads this.) I wasn't happy. It was my first full week back to school so I am still getting back into my regular schedule and I wanted nothing more than to sleep in. After all, it was still dark outside. I woke up and drank a protein shake as I got dressed, which didn't settle right with my stomach for some reason. I have some terrible stomach issues for those of you who don't know me well enough to know how open I am about that. Anyways, I spent some time in the bathroom, which only increased my bad attitude because I could only think about taking a poop in the middle of downtown Cincinnati whilst running. Yes, I'm that open.

So the first thing I would like to talk about is how this running group has TAKEN AWAY MY EXCUSES. Two days a week it's where I'm supposed to be. So no matter if my stomach hurts, or I had a long day, my shins are sore, or I just don't feel like rolling out of bed, I have to do it anyways. I paid for it after all and nobody likes throwing away money. RIP  to my life of sleeping in on Saturdays...

I like that my running group has given me DIRECTION. They have given me specific instructions for how many miles I'm supposed to run each day and routes for every group run. They have coaches along the way. I literally went up to a coach today and said "I'm okay with this pace, but I don't know if I can do it for 13 miles." She replied "You can. I promise," and then began to talk to me about what I could do to help myself. Sometimes you just need someone who knows what they are talking about to tell you that.

My running group has given me OPTIMISM. I went on what I would call my first run about 2 summers ago. Liz had just moved to Bellevue and loved to run. I thought it would be fun to go with her. I couldn't even run 1 mile. I gave up for a long time before trying again. Now I truly believe that I can go the distance (so corny!) Maybe that's not just my running group, maybe that's something I've done for myself. Today while running, I felt myself cheering everyone on because I know that I need that a lot. I was yelling and nobody was saying anything back. I got a little self conscious that I was being annoying and then I yelled "We are almost there! Keep going guys!" As I ran up next to another woman she said, "I appreciate the cheering. I would do it if I could breathe." That's the validation I needed to continue cheering and being my loud self. Runners from other pace groups gave us high fives as we kept going. All of it made me feel so damn good. Seriously.

So I've had 2 days of running club, and I'm feeling this way temporarily. I know that it will suck more in the coming weeks and there will be times I feel unmotivated and I will keep you updated on that too. For now, I feel fairly joyous, and that my friends, is what life is all about.
This run included all half marathon trainers, and full marathon trainers from both Kentucky and Ohio groups.

I want to add in that while I will eat healthy during the day, my "what I ate" post for tonight would look like beer and tailgate food. I do not believe in depriving yourself of food for a specific amount of days to lose weight because in the past that has been how I've gained all my weight back. What's worked for me is moderating everything I like to consume that may not be labeled exactly as healthy and trying to eliminate or rarely eat things like fried foods, ice cream etc. I only drink once a week and this week it was easy to choose Saturday because my Bengals are in the playoffs and I will be there to watch! WHO DEY!!!!!!!!!!!

An unrelated picture of my tailgate crew because I love these brats and because Let's ROAR! 

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