Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Queen of the Hill

Yesterday was a day of hill repeats. We started out by running a mile to Newport Central Catholic High School. If you haven't been there, you haven't seen the hill, but dang it is a monster. It's almost like 2 hills and it gets very steep at the top. Before we left, our head coach said we would be doing 7 repeats of this hill. HUH? When we were training for the Pig, I am pretty sure we only did 4. Now it was lightly sleeting that day, but 4 felt like plenty. I just figured in my mind that I would cut out early. Surely, my team wouldn't really want to do 7 and obviously I couldn't do that many!

Welp, I did them all. It took a lot of work both physically and mentally. I was pushing myself harder than I had in a long time. I started chanting, "Get your ass up this hill," which seems lame, but it actually worked and I even got some others on the team to join in and believe in the mantra. I was completely out of breath, exhausted, and sore, but I kept on going. Every time I saw the top of the hill after rounding the curve, I knew I couldn't stop. I had to push myself to keep going. I'm so thankful my body carried me to the top! I do know that as much as hills suck, there's such a sense of accomplishment when you get to the top. The feeling you have at the top of that hill when you are completely breathless and out of juice, yet so proud because you've made it, is unmatched.

When I came home, I had delicious buffalo turkey burgers with sauteed zucchini. It really hit the spot and was a nice recovery meal. 

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