Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Queen of the Hill

Yesterday was a day of hill repeats. We started out by running a mile to Newport Central Catholic High School. If you haven't been there, you haven't seen the hill, but dang it is a monster. It's almost like 2 hills and it gets very steep at the top. Before we left, our head coach said we would be doing 7 repeats of this hill. HUH? When we were training for the Pig, I am pretty sure we only did 4. Now it was lightly sleeting that day, but 4 felt like plenty. I just figured in my mind that I would cut out early. Surely, my team wouldn't really want to do 7 and obviously I couldn't do that many!

Welp, I did them all. It took a lot of work both physically and mentally. I was pushing myself harder than I had in a long time. I started chanting, "Get your ass up this hill," which seems lame, but it actually worked and I even got some others on the team to join in and believe in the mantra. I was completely out of breath, exhausted, and sore, but I kept on going. Every time I saw the top of the hill after rounding the curve, I knew I couldn't stop. I had to push myself to keep going. I'm so thankful my body carried me to the top! I do know that as much as hills suck, there's such a sense of accomplishment when you get to the top. The feeling you have at the top of that hill when you are completely breathless and out of juice, yet so proud because you've made it, is unmatched.

When I came home, I had delicious buffalo turkey burgers with sauteed zucchini. It really hit the spot and was a nice recovery meal. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Work Starts....Workouts Go On...

So I made a goal for myself to continue working out 6 days a week. School has started back up and I feel like a hamster spinning on a wheel. There's so much more responsibility with the start of the school year and this year has brought even more adjustments. So although it's been difficult, it has still been possible. I'm thrilled to say that I have kept it up even though I haven't been able to do 2 workouts a day like I was doing in summer. However, my eating has gotten tons better with having a regular schedule. So there are some positives too and it's all about balancing good food/bad food and working out.

Last night was my group run with my training group. Almost all of my pace group from spring has moved up a group so I finally felt like it was time to make the move. The pace group I moved into actually has 2 coaches and 2 different pace times. I ran the first half with the slower group, but moved up to the faster group for the second half of my run. I wasn't sure if I could keep up, especially on a progression run with multiple hills, but I managed. My last mile progression started out at 10'10 and I ended up at 9'50. It was definitely not easy and I had to mentally push myself to keep going, but I did it and I felt very proud at the end for accomplishing this. It was one of my hardest 5 mile runs but I liked the challenge and I think I needed to realize that feeling comfortable also means that I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I needed to. We will see where the season goes.

Monstars who moved up

My old coaches Tom and Jerry
Two days a week my workouts are at 5:30 a.m. with a personal trainer and we do weight training. I would be the first person to say "I could never work out that early," but my trainer talked me into it and coerced me by reminding me of the free time I could have in the evenings (even though I chose a recovery run today...yay free time!) The answer to me being tired is NO! I'm really not tired because exercise gives me energy. The only day I've been tired is because I didn't eat enough so as long as I eat properly I feel great all day. I haven't missed the sleep time yet, and I'm going on week 3. I actually have a bigger sense of accomplishment for getting up and doing it before the sun even comes up. I thought maybe you would find some pointers beneficial for how to workout before work.

1. PLAN-I plan all my clothes/meals the night before and that's the most helpful thing I do. I lay my workout clothes out and pack all of my work clothes for the day. I have mini bottles of shampoo and body wash that I refill and take with me. I pack everything! I also plan all of my meals. Last night I boiled 2 eggs. I ate a Quest Bar before I went to work out. Afterwards, I had my 2 hardboiled eggs with half an avacado on toast. This was packed in my lunchbox with buffalo chicken quinoa for lunch, which were leftover from last night. You can make it work.

2. DON'T WASTE TIME-When I am at home I take long 20 minute showers. My whole getting ready time is about an hour. At the gym, my get ready time is 30 minutes. I take quick showers. Sometimes I leave with my hair wet and I skip makeup, which I often do anyways. It's okay for some hairs to be out of place 2 days a week.

3. EAT-Don't forget to eat because that is what is going to make you get fatigued. I eat a banana or something similar around 10:00 then after school I have another snack and finish off the day with a healthy dinner. You will probably be hungrier than you're used to at work so make sure you pack appropriately or you'll have to beg coworkers for snacks (guilty!) 

Overall I think that whatever you want to do in life, there's a way to do it. If you are passionate about it you will make the time, even if you may think that time will be inconvenient at first. Good luck!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Women Kick @$$

Recently, I've been more aware of the fact that we live in a sexist society, especially when it comes to sports. I'm not trying to be a negative nelly here, because I'm not that type of person, but I am writing this to put it out there that we need to change our thoughts and words when it comes to athletes who are women.

This morning, I read an article about the sexist things that have happened at the Olympics so far. The article referenced things like referring to a bronze medalist as "The wife of a Bear's lineman," an announcer that said the women's gymnastics team looked like they "might as well be standing in the middle of a mall," and calling Katie Ledecky the "female Michael Phelps." 

This afternoon, I went to GNC to pick up some aminos at the advice of some people around me. These are basically a supplement to help with muscle repair. The male working asked what I was looking for and I said "BCAAs." He laughed a little. I thought in my head that I must be saying it wrong or calling it something that most people didn't know it as. He said (after laughing,) "what brand are you looking for." I replied, "I'd just like to compare some different brands." He said, "Oh, I just thought you were buying them for someone else." I left and bought them somewhere else. 

Statistics also show that once girls get to middle school, they stop playing sports... Coincidence?

Don't get me wrong here, I enjoy watching male athletes just as well. You'll find me at the Bengals stadium or in front of the TV every Sunday during football season, but the truth is there is a stigma against women as athletes. Why do Olympic gold medalists have to be "girls at the mall." Why does Katie Ledecky have to be compared to Michael Phelps after crushing her own records?  Why does someone need to be labeled as someone's wife like that's her only defining characteristic? Why do people think women shouldn't be lifting weights? Why are commentators talking about what women are wearing all the time while discussing their ability? Why is it that when I run someone yells derogatory statements at me out of a car window? 

Ladies, I believe that we need to advocate more for ourselves. Confidence is key and there is no reason to not be proud of things you can accomplish. I think we need to change the conversation so that others will follow. 

Women are strong. Women are fighters. Women are athletes.

Me after Farleks tonight (a pacing running skill. I wonder if the guy at GNC does these?)

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back in Action

It's been awhile since I've posted and I thought about not starting the blog again since my original idea was to post my journey to the Flying Pig Half Marathon. I've conquered that, so what's left for me to talk about, right? In actuality, the Flying Pig was just a blip on the radar of the healthy lifestyle I want to live and the athletic challenges I want to conquer. My journey started (pre Flying Pig training) last year on the first day of school. As I approach the first day of school on Wednesday I thought it was a good time to look back at my journey and remember why I'm still on it.

Let's take a journey in pictures.....

2013 I think...?
October 2015
December 2015
July 2016
July 2016
I had to include 2 recent pictures because I like myself a whole lot more now. I'm 47 pounds lighter now than I was in the first picture. In addition to being smaller on the scale, I'm happier, I have more energy, I'm more confident, and I'm stronger (physically and emotionally.)

Summer got me a little off kilter and as my schedule changed, my diet also suffered. Luckily, I've become so obsessed with working out that I've been able to combat this, but I'm ready to be more holistic again with my health journey.

I'm starting this blog again because people have told me I've inspired them. In reality, this helps to inspire me and the blog and facebook postings help to hold me accountable. I don't talk about these things to brag, I talk about them because I'm proud of my accomplishments, but I also want people to know that they can do it too and it's nothing that is impossible. I want to continue to post my results, but I also want to get more into posting recipes and ideas or motivations for others who feel like they need that extra push because I'm so passionate about it. Ask anybody that is around me how much I talk about it!

I'm currently training for the Indy Monumental Half Marathon. I also work out with a trainer 2 days a week and I've gotten really into lifting weights.

The blog has helped me to think and brainstorm about what I want for myself this year and this has led me to realize I need to make a new vision board and goals for the upcoming school year. I will share some of these goals with you. I challenge you to do this too. I truly believe an attitude of optimism is the best tool for achieving goals.

You'll hear from me again soon because I will remain a pig a flight.